Welcome to our new website (still under construction). Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire! (Catherine of Siena)


Good afternoon
We are so excited to be welcoming you all back into school tomorrow and hearing about the adventures that you have had during the half term break.

This term P.E will be on Monday and Wednesday so please make sure that children come in to school on those dressed in their P.E kits.

The curriculum overview and home learning grids are attached to this message so that you can the wonderful learning that we will be doing over the next few weeks.

Don't forget to let us know how tall your sunflowers are getting!

See you all tomorrow.

The Year 2 Team
Design and Technology
What a day we've had today! We have learnt about how fruit can grow on a tree, bush or vine and have sorted different fruits into these groups. We have talked about food hygiene and the importance of washing our hands and the fruit. We have learnt knife safety and at least 4 different ways to cut. Finally (and Year 2 thought this might never happen) we assembled our fruit salad and enjoyed eating it! Yummy!
Yesterday afternoon, we completed a yoga session. We are all getting better at balancing but now need to work on not talking as Mrs B says this will also help with our concentration and balance! So many children are improving their perseverance and resilience - Well done Year 2!
Learning about digital music.  We have explored creating rhythms using our own bodies and then using a digital music website to create our own music to describe an animal.  Can you guess which animals we have composed music for?
Team Building
Today we have been thinking about team building and had great fun playing a game called the human knot. The children had to work together to untangle themselves - great co-operation and communication skills used